Songs by The Go-Go's
Based on The Arcadia by Sir Philip Sidney
Conceived and Original Book by Jeff Whitty
Adapted by James Magruder
Directed by Allison Arkell Stockman​
This joyous and jaunty jukebox musical features the music of 80’s rock band The Go-Go's. Inspired by the epic story of Arcadia, Head Over Heels is a celebration of self-discovery and queer identity, weaving together Renaissance romance and Greek comedy with fantasy and gender-bending in a laugh-out-loud love story.
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Themes: Gender Roles, New Wave, Sexuality
Vibes: Whimsical, Celebratory
Similar productions: The Go Gos, The Princess Bride, Rusicals​
Late Seating Policy: If you arrive 20min or more after the show has started, you will not be allowed into theater. We can exchange your tickets to another performance.